Functional Schedule Search Guide
The Functional Schedule for North Carolina State Agencies standardizes disposition instructions across state government and focuses on the function of government that necessitates the creation of a record rather than on the particular agency that creates or maintains the record.Because the Functional Schedule is designed to apply to all state agencies, it may not always use the same language as you use in your office. The resources on this page can help with navigating and searching the Functional Schedule effectively.
If you have difficulty locating a particular record on the Functional Schedule or have questions regarding the appropriate record type, get in touch with your agency’s Records Management Analyst.
A set of 4 tutorials is available on the State Archives YouTube page. The first module provides an overview of the functional analysis initiative. The second module provides an overview of the 16 functions of state government along with listing sub-functions and examples of record types. The third module reviews the anatomy of a functional schedule. The fourth module provides guidance on how to transition to these new schedules and explains available crosswalking tools.
An alternative to locating record types by utilizing the organization of the Functional Schedule is to do a keyword search. To perform a keyword search, open an electronic copy of the schedule, hold down the ctrl key followed by the f key, then type in your search terms in the search box that appears. It is important that you consider the general purpose of the record in question and try out various keywords; the language used in the schedules may not necessarily match how you identify the records in-office.
For example, say you are looking for records of an employee’s performance plan. You do a keyword search using ctrl + f and type in “performance plan.” There are 9 results for “performance plan” found in the Functional Schedule.

You are taken to the first result automatically, and you can see that all 9 results are in the appendix of Function 6 and are records from the Office of the Governor.

None of these records related to employee performance plans. There are other terms that may be useful. You could search just “performance.” Another option is “evaluation.” Performance has 32 results, which may be time consuming to review. Evaluation has a similar problem at 37 results.

Another option would be to search “performance evaluation.”

This option has 2 results, and they bring you to RC No. 845.3 Performance Management Records, which is the item you are looking for.

You could also search for “Performance Management” because that describes the function of the performance plan. Another synonym could be “work plans.” These would bring you to this record series as well.