Records Analysts for State Agencies

The records management analysts listed below are available to assist any state official or employee with questions concerning the proper management and retention of the records created and maintained in your office. General inquiries may be directed to the State Records Center at 919-814-6900 or sent to Specific services provided include:

  • Updating the Functional Schedule for North Carolina State Agencies 
  • On-site consultations
  • Records management training through workshops and webinars
  • Facilitating the transfer of eligible records to the State Records Center

Becky McGee-Lankford, Government Records Section Manager ( Phone: 919-814-6903

Francesca Perez Evans ( Phone: 919-814-6918

  • Department of Administration
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
  • Office of the State Controller
  • Office of State Human Resources
  • Utilities Commission
  • Utilities Commission/Public Staff

Rashida Felder ( Phone: 919-814-6907

  • Office of the Governor
  • Office of the Lieutenant Governor

Corinne Foster ( Phone: 919-814-6932

  • Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  • Department of Environmental Quality
  • Department of Labor

Mark Holland ( Phone: 919-814-6908

  • Administrative Office of the Courts
  • Court of Appeals
  • Department of Adult Correction
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Department of Insurance
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Department of Revenue
  • Department of the Secretary of State
  • General Assembly of North Carolina
  • North Carolina Supreme Court
  • Office of State Budget and Management
  • State Bureau of Investigation

Kayla Leonard ( Phone: 252-639-3543

  • Office of Administrative Hearings
  • Office of the State Auditor
  • University of North Carolina System

Alice Shahan ( Phone: 919-814-6911

  • Department of Information Technology
  • NC Community Colleges System Office
  • Department of Public Instruction
  • Department of the State Treasurer

Natalie Walker ( Phone: 919-814-6856

  • Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
  • Department of Transportation
  • Division of Employment Security
  • Housing Finance Agency of North Carolina
  • NC Industrial Commission
  • North Carolina State Bar


State Record Center Services
Laura Hensey, Records Services Supervisor
( Phone: 919-814-6902

Vacant, State Records Center Supervisor
 Phone: 919-814-6922