Organization Records Finding Aids

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Tab/Accordion Items


  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Alpha Theta Omega Chapter, 1972 - 2003 - The Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority was founded in 1908 at Howard University, Washington, D.C. It was formally incorporated in 1913 as a perpetual body, and became recognized as America's first Greek-letter society established for and by African American college women. As an auxiliary of AKA, Alpha Theta Omega was formed in Raleigh, N.C. on June 15, 1928. In recent decades, the chapter's activities have emphasized service to the community in the key areas of education, health, the Black family, economics, and the arts. The collection consists chiefly of the chapter's scrapbooks compiled annually, from 1972 to 2003, with programs, news clippings, handbooks, photographs, and other printed material documenting the organization's service projects and activities. Chapter scrapbooks include coverage of the annual Debutante Ball events. Additionally, the collection includes Alpha Theta Omega's scrapbooks on its nominees for the regional man of the year award, 1974-1979, and citizen of the year award, 1987. 34 volumes, 6 cubic feet.
  • American Institute of Architects, N. C. Chapter, [ca. 1877] - 1971 - The purpose of the organization is to unite in fellowship the architects of North Carolina and to combine their efforts for the promotion of the artistic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession. Includes an "Inactive Membership File," records relating to the history of AIA (1877(?)-1957), and state organization records (1922-). The bulk of the 65 boxes of records belong to the latter category and include correspondence, financial records, manuals and by-laws, conference documentation, committee files, educational information, and minutes.
  • American Legion - North Carolina Department Records, 1920 - 1945 - The American Legion was founded in 1919 in Paris, France, as an organization for the veterans who had served during World War One. Their primary objectives are benefits for disabled veterans and their families, and helping their local communities. In the beginning, membership was limited to veterans of WWI, but later membership was opened up to veterans of other wars as well. As of 2011, The American Legion considers the pillars of their organization to be: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security and Foreign Relations, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, and Community Service. The American Legion continues to lobby for adequate funding to cover medical, disability, education and other veterans benefits. Many programs that were started in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s continue to the present day. This collection has been divided into fourteen series, including administration, American Legion Auxiliary, annual conferences and conventions, committees, correspondence, emblem division, financial records, general records, minutes, posts, publications, publicity, scrapbooks, and standing committees. The bulk of the material covers the years from 1927 to 1945, but there are some records from as early as 1920. The organization filed their correspondence and other records according to subject, and this arrangement has been retained when possible. (101 fibredex boxes)


  • Dorothea Dix School of Nursing Related Papers, 1905 - 1951 - The Dorothea Dix School of Nursing opened in 1902 and trained nurses through World War II, becoming a member of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps. After the last graduating class of 1949, the school still offered an affiliation in psychiatric nursing to students who had completed 21 months of basic nursing course from approved schools of nursing, until 1951. The bulk of this collection consists of photographs of nursing school graduating classes, covering 1930 to 1948, and including the Cadet Class of 1944. Other materials include publications, The Dorothea Dix School of Nursing, 1947, and Dixiana, 1951, and general records of the school. (1 manuscript box)
  • Dorothea Dix Volunteer Service Guild Records, 1961 - 2009 - The Dorothea Dix Volunteer Service Guild, a non-profit volunteer organization, was formed in 1961, training volunteers to work at the mental health care facility, Dorothea Dix Hospital. The Guild helped the public understand the work of Dorothea Dix Hospital, as well as improve the quality of life for the patients of the hospital. The bulk of materials consists of minutes for the Guild committees and Executive Board meetings covering 1961 through 2009. Other materials include the Guild publications Volunteer Ventures, June 1967 through June 2008, and the Yearbooks, 1973 to 2008, as well as scrapbooks covering 1960 to 1991. (8 fibredex boxes, 3 scrapbooks.)


  • Family Council of North Carolina, Inc. - The Family Council of North Carolina, Inc., was founded in 1949 as the North Carolina Family Life Council (NCFLC). Its purpose was to serve as an educational and advisory council on issues affecting families and family life in North Carolina. This collection contains the records of the NCFLC. The collection is divided into nine series. Some records date from the late 1980s and early 1990s, but the majority are dated between 1948 and 1986. (17 fibredex boxes)
  • Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union, North Carolina Division, 1912 - 1928 - The Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union was first organized at Point, Rains County, Texas in 1902 as an effort to improve the economic, educational, political, and social life of the American farmer of the South. Eventually, the organization on the national level became known as the National Farmers Union, with divisions in various states. The organization records of the Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union, North Carolina Division, document sixteen years of the group's activities, from 1912 to 1928. The series, Minutes of Annual Meeting (1917-1927), includes the minutes from annual state conventions and summer sessions and various supporting documents. The Correspondence series (1912-1928), is all of a business nature. It includes letters from county and local unions to state officers, copies of letters from state officers to county and local unions, letters to the North Carolina Division from the National Union, and letters to the North Carolina Union from businesses and organizations related to the farming industry. The Miscellaneous series includes various materials which do not properly belong in any other series and which are too few to compose their own series. Financial Records (1912-1927) of the state records subgroup are divided into two subseries: Journals and Disbursements. Annual Reports of Local Unions (1916-1928) includes annual membership and fees from local secretaries to the state secretary-treasurer. The last series includes the Financial Records (1912-1928) of the county-level organizations, and consists of two subseries: Dues and Dues and Fees of Locals.


  • Good Samaritan Hospital, Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.), Minutes and General Records, 1891 - 1960 - The Good Samaritan Hospital was organized in 1889 in Charlotte under the auspices of St. Peter's Episcopal Church of that city. Operative under the sponsorship of that church until 1960, the hospital is believed to be the first privately-funded hospital in the United States built and operated exclusively for black patients. The collection documents general operation of the hospital through minutes; annual reports; a listing of medical staff and Nursing School (undated single item); by-laws and amendment; certificate of amendment to charter, 1947; reports, including report of Trustees of Diocese, May 1960; records from Diocesan Headquarters, Raleigh [Xeroxed copies of original records in Episcopal Diocesan Office, Raleigh]; and miscellaneous. Dates of the collection range from 1891 to 1960, with annual reports dating from 1892 to 1911 and minutes dating from 1916 to 1953.
  • Grand International Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Raleigh Division 507, 1911 - 1921 - The Grand International Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Raleigh Division 507, was a service and support organization. As a "help mate" to the trade union locomotive engineers, the auxiliary was founded to promote "fraternal love, take care of social activities and render assistance to members when sorrow and tragedy occurs." This one box of records date from 1911 to 1921 and include minutes, membership rolls, financial and other records.
  • Grand Lodge of North Carolina, Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons, 1806 - 1987 - The Grand Lodge of [North] Carolina of Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons (of A. F. and A. M.) was formed in 1787. The collection documents various aspects of the freemasonry movement in North Carolina, beginning with the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and Tennessee from 1804 to 1840. The collection contains some records (non-continuous) relating to individual lodges, including some early applications to the lodge at Beaufort (1806 and 1807); the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons of N.C.; the certificate of commission of Hiram Lodge, Raleigh (1800); 3 notices of rejection addressed to Sharon Lodge, Windsor (1852-53); and the record book of Stone Square Lodge of Warrenton (1905-1911). There are miscellaneous records such as fragments of Laws of North Carolina; an almanac of 1848; an ode; and an 1847 legislative committee report relating to construction of buildings for the "deaf, dumb, and blind." Of particular interest are the treasurer's records of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, A. F. and A. M., 1891-1824, formerly in the N.C. Treasurer's Papers. Other records from the Grand Lodge include an "Annual Communication" of 1902; material relating to the Executive Office Building dedication of 1958; and material from the Bicentennial Celebration of 1987. The broad date range of the collection is from the early 1800s to 1987, but there are no continuous and unbroken series.



  • National Highway Association, Good Roads Association Records, 1902 - 1917, 1949 - The Good Roads Association was formed in 1902 as North Carolina's chapter of the National Highway Association. The association actively worked towards the establishment of a highway system in North Carolina with great success. The state spent $65 million to make 5,500 miles of roads. Significant members in the association included Hattie Morehead Berry and Joseph Hyde Pratt. The work of the Good Roads Association led to the creation of the State Highway Commission in 1921, and in 1971, the State Highway Commission became the Department of Transportation. This collection includes general records of the organization, consisting of the constitution and by-laws, the original charter of the Good Roads of North Carolina membership in the National Highways Association, correspondence, press releases, and event programs covering the years 1902 to 1917; also included is a series of newspaper clippings covering activities of the organization during the years 1913 and 1914; additionally, there are series of materials related to the passage of a school and roads bond issue bill in 1949. (2 boxes)
  • North Carolina College Conference, 1937 - 1965 - The North Carolina College Conference was formally organized in 1921 in an effort to solve some of the many problems confronting institutions of higher learning in the state. The conference was composed mainly of college presidents with one additional representative from each campus and several state government officials concerned with educational problems. In 1965 the Conference was reconstituted as the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Universities under a new constitution and by-laws. The general records of the organization include correspondence, notes, research reports and summaries of same, reports of the Committee on Cooperative Research and sub-committee reports, clippings, programs, proceedings, minutes and agendas, and various printed material.
  • North Carolina Committee to End the War in Indochina, Raleigh Chapter Records, 1971 - 1973 - The North Carolina Committee to End the War in Indochina was a grass roots effort originating in Winston-Salem in February, 1971, following a meeting on the Wake Forest University Campus. The Committee attracted support from all areas of the state, and local chapters were formed in Greensboro and Raleigh. The stated purpose of the organization was "to further a rapid end to all United States military involvement in the Indochina War" through complete withdrawal of all U.S. forces by December 31, 1971, by order of the President or by congressional prohibition of the use of funds for the war after that date. It encouraged citizens to write or visit their congressmen, to provide information to interested persons by mailing material on pending legislation, and to invite speakers to discuss the situation in Indochina. The Raleigh Chapter held its first meeting March 7, 1971, at the West Raleigh Presbyterian Church. The bulk of the material of the North Carolina Committee to End the War in Indochina, Raleigh Chapter, is made up of letters; policy statements and papers (document genres); speech transcripts, clippings, etc., dated 1971-1973, that reflect the positions of various public officials and prospective candidates concerning the situation in Southeast Asia, specifically the war in Vietnam; and some material relating to prisoners of war.
  • North Carolina International Women's Year Coordinating Committee, General Records, 1975 - 1978 - The United Nations designated 1975 as International Women's Year (IWY). The North Carolina International Women's Year (NC-IWY) Coordinating Committee was charged with the planning of the state conference in Winston-Salem, June 16-18, 1977. Chairman of this committee was Dr. Elizabeth Koontz, assistant state superintendent of education for teacher education and member of the National Council of Negro Women. Program chairman was Grace Rohrer, former Secretary of the NC Department of Cultural Resources; and executive director of the NC-IWY Coordinating Committee was Jean LeFrancois. During the three-day session in Winston-Salem, participants attended a series of 24 workshops ranging from health and child care to financial backing and employment. The collection includes committee minutes, lists, correspondence, forms, applications, brochures, pamphlets, profile sheets, text of speeches, script for slide show ("To Be Rather than to Seem: Women in North Carolina"), testimony, reports, etc. concerning the North Carolina International Women's Year and its Coordinating Committee. Topics include ad hoc hearings conducted by U.S. Senator Jesse Helms who objected to the method of choosing delegates and to the federal funding. Also there is a wide range of literature of interest to women during that period, including education, jobs, housing, insurance, the Equal Rights Amendment, etc.
  • North Carolina Medical Society Alliance Records, 1922 - 1999 - The North Carolina Medical Society Alliance (NCMS Alliance) was formed on April 18, 1923, originally called the Woman's Auxiliary to the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina. The NCMS Alliance is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization comprised of physician spouses and physicians. Members are dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of North Carolinians through community service, advocacy and fundraising aimed at promoting better public health. The NCMS Alliance also supports county medical society alliances, provides leadership opportunities and training for its members and offers grants for health-related programs. The NCMS Alliance is governed by its Board of Directors representing all regions of the state and is headquartered at the NC Medical Society building in Raleigh. The collection contains various records of the North Carolina Medical Society Alliance including bylaws, handbooks, directories, meeting minutes, accounting ledgers, and publications. Officer notebooks include correspondence, agendas, programs and goals, and reports. Also included is information about conferences, conventions, and lecture series. Scrapbooks contain news clippings, photographs, and summaries of the Alliance's activities, including the annual Doctors' Day event. (34 cubic feet)
  • North Carolina Museum of Art Volunteer Board, 1967-1986 - The North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) Volunteer Board was formed in 1967 by the creation of a Steering Committee under the North Carolina Art Society. A permanent Volunteer Board was formed in 1974. The purpose of the NCMA Volunteer Board was to increase Society membership and promote and foster interest in the NCMA. The collection documents some of the activities of the North Carolina Museum of Art Volunteer Board. The collection is organized under one series of Administrative and Organizational Records, then divided into ten sub-series including minutes, reports, rosters, guidelines, correspondence, financial papers, publications, committee information and related volunteer organizations.
  • North Carolina Panel of American Women Records, 1967 - 1974 - The Panel of American Women began in 1956 as a group of four women from different ethnic and religious backgrounds in Kansas City, Missouri. The Panel used the format of presentation and discussion to increase awareness of prejudice, discrimination, and racism. An overriding purpose of the group was to foster better race relations after the initial moves in the 1950s toward integration. A North Carolina Panel was established in Raleigh by 1968. The records of the North Carolina Panel of American Women consist largely of written questions from audience members to the panel, audience evaluations of and comments on panel presentations, and thank you letters and other correspondence concerning appearances before local groups.


  • Olla Podrida Club (Raleigh, N.C.), 1902 - 1998 - The Olla Podrida Club was organized in 1898 by a group of sixteen Raleigh women as a social and literary club with Miss Eliza Pool as president. There were no formal programs in the early days of the club, with members taking turns arranging programs for each meeting. Meetings usually consisted of a ten to fifteen minute presentation on a given topic and a discussion of current events. The collection includes printed yearbooks with formal programs and agendas begin with the 1902-1903 club year. Club minutes begin in 1917 and treasurer's reports and attendance rolls are included in the minutes. Other materials in the collections four boxes include club histories; committee records; resolutions regarding members, miscellaneous records; newspaper clippings; and program materials.


  • Society of North Carolina Archivists, 1982-2003 - The Society of North Carolina Archivists (SNCA) was organized in 1983 in response to a report by the State Historical Records Advisory Board that called for the formation of a statewide organization to foster communication among those responsible for the state's documentary heritage. The Society held its first meeting in 1984. It holds meetings and offers programs and workshops of interest to archivists. The collection contains the minutes, correspondence, committee records, publications, and financial records of SNCA, and is divided into six series. (12 fibredex boxes, 1 oversized box.)


  • Tuesday Afternoon Book Club (Raleigh, N.C.), 1904 - 2002 - The Tuesday Afternoon Book Club (TABC) was organized in 1903 by Mrs. J. S. Wynne and Mrs. Franklin NcNeill, largely as a neighborhood group. With a limited membership of 18, the club met first in the home of Mrs. T. N. Ivey on Halifax Street. For most of its history, the TABC has been informal with few rules, officers serving in rotation, hostesses presenting programs and serving refreshments, occasional guest speakers, and dues not exceeding $1.00 a year. This group of general records includes yearbooks (small pamphlets tied with ribbon, 1904-2000); minutes from 1918 through 1995; clippings, including obituaries, concerning club members; historical sketches; and a smaller quantity of material including bylaws, a report, letters and notes, and snapshots.


  • Women-In-Action for the Prevention of Violence and its Causes, Inc., Durham Chapter Records, 1968 - 1973 - Women-In-Action for the Prevention of Violence and Its Causes, Inc. was founded by Elna B. Spaulding on September 4, 1968, shortly after a public appeal was made to women of the Durham community to form a civic coalition of African-American and white women from all levels of society to work toward the prevention of violence. At that time, Durham was in the throes of a "black buying boycott," and tensions were mounting. The new organization worked with the principal groups involved (Black Solidarity Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Merchants Bureau), held open forums on the grievances, and contributed to a settlement which was effected in February, 1969. Anticipating public unrest over the court-ordered school desegregation plan, Women-In-Action opened a Center for School Support on July 29, 1970. The role Women-In-Action played in helping to foster a healthy climate for the transition was cited by state and local officials. This group of general records of Women-In-Action dates from 1968 to 1973. Materials relate to the organization's work to prevent violence in the Durham, N.C., area during the 1960s and 1970s including boycotts, school desegregation, providing a problem clearinghouse to serve as an independent ombudsman for Durham citizens and serving as a rumor control center investigating complaints, rumors, and problems dealing with unemployment, drug abuse, medical care, substandard housing, consumer affairs, and other issues.
  • Women In State Government, General Records, 1978 - 1981 - Women in State Government was organized as a result of the impetus of the 1978 Governor's Conference on Leadership Development for Women in order to "support the professional development of all women in State Government." The general records of the Women in State Government reflect the organization's constituency and its activities in North Carolina between 1978 and 1981. A steering committee of seventeen (one member from each department of state government) and a series of task forces were initially established to govern the policies and programs of the organization as it endeavored to work with private and governmental organizations and agencies to assist women in education, career planning, counseling, upward mobility, recruitment, and other work-related issues.
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