State Records Center


The State Records Center (SRC) provides records storage and reference services to state agencies, licensing boards, and independent commissions. Records transferred for temporary storage in the SRC remain in the legal, official custody of the creating custody of the creating agency. Access to stored records is restricted to the creating agency’s staff. Persons other than an agency’s staff must contact the creating agency to receive written permission prior to using records in the SRC.

State agencies may transfer records to the SRC for storage in accordance with the approved Functional Schedule for North Carolina State Agencies when the agency has a Records Storage Memorandum that specifies the record series eligible for transfer. The SRC accepts records on paper (including oversized records like maps and building plans) and microform (whether film or fiche). Permanent records, including archival electronic records, are received through the SRC before transferring to the legal custody of the State Archives for permanent preservation. The SRC does not offer storage services for non-archival digital records.

When records that are stored temporarily at the SRC have met their required retention, our staff will contact the agency’s CRO to request authorization for destruction. At this time, there is no charge for the destruction of paper records stored at the SRC; however, if our recycling contract changes, we will pass along any new costs for destruction to the creating agency. Destruction recycling fees may be charged for records in non-paper formats, such as microfilm, x-rays, and digital storage media.


Requesting Records

Requesting Records Stored Temporarily at the State Records Center: This video explains how state agencies can request retrieval of records they have stored temporarily at the SRC.

RC-14: Records Retrieval Form

This form must be submitted for our staff to retrieve records that have been stored temporarily at the SRC. It requests the following information:

  • Your name, office name and address, and phone number.
  • Use a separate form for each records series being requested. You may request up to five files within one series on a single form.
  • The item number of the records series (as recorded on the receipt provided when the records were transferred to the SRC).
  • The specific file(s) being requested.
  • The date of the record(s).

Identify the file or files needed, using the spaces provided. The boxes shaded green in this image are for use by the Records Center staff. Some examples:

Examples of data correctly entered into RC-14 form.

If you do not have information this detailed, fill out as much information as you can. If our staff cannot find what you need, we will call you. Requests are usually filled within 2-3 business days; if you have a more pressing request, please mark your request RUSH and give us a call at (919) 814-6920.

You may provide written permission for someone outside your office to have access to your records stored temporarily at the SRC. Any person not employed by the agency which owns the record must have written authorization. This includes employees of other state government agencies. You must write a letter or send an e-mail from an agency address that specifies:

  • the person(s) being granted access
  • the records they are allowed to review
  • whether permission is granted for review only (reading, taking notes) or also for copying the records (via camera or copier)

You may also choose to have the records returned to your office so that you can help the researcher directly.

Transferring Records

Only records listed on the agency’s Records Storage Memorandum and are prepared according to our guidelines will be accepted for storage in SRC facilities.

What you need in order to transfer records to the SRC:

  • Current approval of the Functional Schedule for North Carolina State Agencies.
  • The item number for the records you would like to transfer, as found on the Records Storage Memorandum sent to your agency’s CRO as well as in the appendices to the Functional Schedule.
  • Supplies purchased from the SRC. The SRC issues invoices each Friday to the central billing office for the agency. (Let us know at the time of your order if you need your invoice sent to a different address.) A Records Preparation Form (RC-0) will accompany your supply purchase. Fee schedule:
    • Letter box (also called cubic foot box, 12" x 15" 10.5"): $1 each
    • Paper tape strip for bottom of box: $0.10 each (1 per box)
    • Pre-printed label: $0.02 each (1 per box, generated from our database)
  • An appointment with us. Our staff are available to come to offices in Raleigh to pick up boxes. If you are located outside the city limits, you must make an appointment to deliver your records to us.

How to box records for storage:

  • Boxing Records Tutorial: This video walks North Carolina state agencies through the process of transferring records to the SRC for storage.
  • The box will be flat when you receive it. Expand it.
    • Look for the printed mark. Turn that end of the box up toward you.
    • Fold down the two short flaps.
    • Fold down the two long flaps. You should be able to see the printed mark.
    • Moisten the paper tape. Do not use any other kind of tape.
    • Apply the paper tape from handle to handle, making sure the flaps sit flat.
    • Look for the glued seam running from the bottom to the top of the box. Place that side away from you. The front of the box should have no seam.
  • Pull files out of their current storage.
    • Hanging file folders should not be packed in the boxes, so these files will need to be re-foldered.
    • Place the files in the boxes, maintaining the same order as you had in the drawers.
    • Letter-sized files should be put in the box with the label/tab facing the front of the box.
    • Legal-sized files will fit in the long way. You may file so that the label/tab is to the user’s left or right. Be consistent from box to box.
    • Fill the box, leaving about a fist's worth of room in the back.
    • Fill as many boxes as needed to contain one series of records. Do not place records from more than one series in a single box.
  • Label the boxes. Place the label under the handle on the front of the box (the end with no seam).
    • Fill out the labels. List on the label the first and last folder names in the box. Add the box number (for example, Box No. 6 of 12).
    • Create a box list (an inventory of the contents of each box). It will make requesting records much easier. Your agency should keep a copy of the list. You may place one complete copy of the list for all boxes in box 1 of the set, or you may insert a separate list in each box.
  • Fold the top of the box, tucking in the corners. Do not tape the top of the box.
  • Call 919-814-6920. We will help you make the arrangements needed to get your boxes to the SRC.


Transfer archival electronic records to the SRC:

The SRC accepts the transfer of state agency archival electronic records that are listed in the appendix of the Functional Schedule and have a disposition instruction of Permanent (archival) or Permanent (appraisal required). In order to prepare your records for transfer:

  • Contact your Records Analyst.
  • Confirm your agency’s current approval of the Functional Schedule for North Carolina State Agencies.
  • Identify the item number for the records you would like to transfer, as found on the Records Storage Memorandum sent to your agency’s CRO as well as in the appendices to the Functional Schedule.
  • Read our Digital File Transfer Guidelines.
  • Complete the State Digital Transfer form.

Contact Information

Phone: (919) 814-6920
Fax: (919) 715-3627

Physical Location

215 N. Blount Street, 
Raleigh, N.C., 27699-4615

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