Handwritten manuscript

Peter Oliver: Freedman and Family, a Journey of His Enslavement and Persistence


As a formerly enslaved man who literally negotiated his way to freedom, Oliver’s life is documented with over 30 archival records from three archives, including one signing for his freedom, a type of eulogy when he died as a Moravian, and estate documents. This research offers an understanding of his life in Salem and surrounding areas, where he lived and worked as a potter and much more. Creative Corridors Coalition is planning a new public space to celebrate Peter Oliver's life and legacy, as well as mark the site of Oliver’s farm and homestead. North Carolina native Walter Hood, a world-renowned designer and landscape architect, designed the Peter Oliver Pavilion Gallery in collaboration with descendants of Peter Oliver. Learn about Oliver’s freedom story and plans for the new public space honoring him, and hear from George Jones Jr., an 8th-generation descendant regarding the family’s lasting heritage and commitment to community.  Speakers include:

  • Martha Hartley, Director of Moravian Research, Old Salem Museums & Gardens
  • Sabrina Garrity, Assistant Archivist with the Southern Province of the Moravian Church
  • Christie Willow Williams, Board Chair, Peter Oliver Pavilion, Creative Corridors Coalition
  • Video Content from Walter Hood, internationally renowned landscape architect for the Peter Oliver Pavilion Gallery
  • George C. Jones, Jr.Peter Oliver descendant, Executive Director Peter Oliver Pavilion  

The event is scheduled Thursday, June 13, from noon to 1:30 p.m. and will include a reception, courtesy of the Friends of the Archives. For online participation, register in advance by selecting the "Register" button.