British Records: Exchequer and Audit Office

Claims, American Loyalists, Series I (copies and film)

Mainly entry book copies of documents (memorials, petitions, accounts, vouchers, correspondence, inventories of estates, etc.) relating to claims for compensation for losses by British subjects (Loyalists and  others) during and after the Revolutionary War. Subjects include individual service during the war; trade; landholding; finance; administration of relief to Loyalists, and various American and British laws concerning them; supplies furnished the British army and navy during the war.

Claims, American Loyalists, Series II (copies and film)

Records (memorials, petitions, accounts, vouchers, correspondence, inventories of estates, etc.) relating to claims for compensation for losses by British subjects (Loyalists and others) during and after the Revolutionary War. Subjects include individual service during the war; trade; landholding; finance; administration of relief to Loyalists; and various American and British laws concerning them; supplies furnished the British army and navy during the war.

King's Remembrancer. Port Books (copies)

The King's Remembrancer had various responsibilities related to the king's revenue, including customs collection. These records indicate the place from which a vessel has arrived or to which it is going, including colonies. Information includes name of the vessel, captain, merchant exporting or importing, and the vessel's cargo.